Friday, January 9, 2015


Our oldest son mentioned that he wanted me to make him a quilt a couple years ago. I planned a quilt of blocks with different items appliqued on them. I wanted to include items that the children would relate to from their childhood. I am not a professional seamstress so I had to make it simple.
I had watched my mom cut and sew tiny pieces of triangles, squares, circles, and octagons together with no problems. I had tried but failed to make successful tiny pieces, so I had to make something I could accomplish without too much trouble.
With my decision to make three quilts, I started the appliqué in early spring. I worked after golf or on days off from golf or partying. By October I had all the quilt tops finished. They all ended up being king size to get all my plans included. First of all I made a star because they are all stars in my eyes. Next I made a heart because they are always in my heart. I made a Dutch Girl in remembrance of my mom and it was the first quilt I made when they were small. Christmas is so special, I had to put a Christmas tree. The plan went on to include dancing girls, a boy, pets, a book, UK, as they were raised on UK basketball games and we took them whenever we could. I included flowers as they often brought me flowers from dandelions to roses.
By the first of November I had not begun to put the quilts together and my friends said I would never get them done by Christmas. That gave me motivation to get started. I rushed to the store to get the fillings and linings. In the middle of November I put the first quilt together and started quilting it on the sewing machine. I must admit, I had lots of crooked seams, but I got the first one done which had to be mailed to Texas. I had plenty of time since it was the first of December. The second quilt was prepared and machine quilted with more crooked seams. The third quilt had to be prepared as everything else was getting ready for Christmas. I wondered how I would ever get it done. One week before Christmas, the night  Paulita's family was arriving, I got it done . It also had those crooked seams, which I described as my life with some straight seams with smooth going and the crooked seams as when things weren't going as well.
The quilts were made with love and for warmth. I enjoyed making them in my own simple way. My love is forever for them all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so thrilled to have my quilt. It's perfect because it was made with love.
