Saturday, April 25, 2015


Lately my husband has been dealing with a lot of severe physical pain. 
There are so many types of pain. There is emotional pain when we experience the breakup of a relationship. There is heartbreaking pain when our parents die because we know they loved us and now are gone. There is unbearable pain of anxiety when we lose a child to death. Your children should outlive you.
The most physical pain I have felt personally, is the pain of childbirth. However that pain is soon gone because we have that precious baby and it is easy to forget how we suffered. 
I have seen my husband suffer such pain since February. It began with pain in his lower back. We went to the family doctor who checked him thoroughly and sent him for an x-Ray which showed arthritis.
Next he went for an MRI which showed nerves being pinched by deteriorating discs. He was given a prescription of Predison which escalated his sugar. We knew the high sugar was temporary. The pain continued so another prescription of Predison was taken. Pain medication was prescribed. None seemed to help. He has tried twelve hour Aleve which takes an hour to kick in and only lasts three or four hours. Tylenol or Advil seem to work best. He hates to take medicine but has to in order to get relief.
The next step was to find a  Chiropratic Health Center. Our friend recommended one that had helped her. The records were sent and after two visits my husband was let go.
We were sent to a Therapy Consultant, who came with high recommendations. The records were sent and as of now he has had four treatments and eight more to go. The pain is still there. We are hopeful that it is going to be cured.
My husband can stand more pain than anyone I know, but he has suffered so much. I have been in tears for him as he cries out in pain. For him to complain, I know it is bad. He cannot sit in his recliner without pain. Standing is less painful. He is able to sleep at night without much pain.
If you have answers to this pain problem, we would entertain them. 
Yes, we are praying.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the physical therapy gives him some relief. Tell him not to give up! Hope his pain is relieved soon.
