Thursday, May 28, 2015

Spring Cleaning Interupted

I had a marvelous plan for doing my spring cleaning. I started upstairs in the bedrooms, wiping every wall from top to bottom, cleaning the ceiling fans, dusting the furniture, cleaning the mirrors and vacuuming the floors. I began my plan on Tuesday evening when Keith was golfing in the Men's Golf League. I did get all the bedrooms cleaned and the bathrooms swept.  I dusted and washed all the decorative rugs.
I was making such good progress and decided to start downstairs Wednesday morning when Keith golfed with the Pro-Am group, but Keith came home from League play very sick. I attended him the rest of the evening.
Wednesday morning Keith said he was too sick to golf and I should call and take him off the play list. When he got up at eight thirty, he was so sick, I told him we needed to go to E R. I tried calling the doctor but only got the answering service. Off to the E R we went.
He was treated for dehydration and diarrhea for four hours and then sent home. I spent the rest of the day taking care of him and getting his antibiotics. Also running necessary errands.
This morning, due to passing out, temperature, and diarrhea I called 911 to take him to the hospital. When the EMS arrived I opened the door. Suddenly the siren began to go off and I thought, "Why are they starting the siren." Then it dawned on me, I had forgotten to turn the alarm off. It was my siren screaming, awakening the neighborhood. Our next door neighbor ran to see what was going on. The EMS workers went about their business by going upstairs after Keith, while I shut the alarm off. They put him in their vehicle and took him to the hospital.
I followed after I collected my senses and got myself together. Oh, did I mention it was 4 A M? Keith was admitted to the hospital, where he will get well in a couple of days. I will concentrate on him and his health until he is back to normal.
In the meantime my bucket of cleaning tools sits in the Game Room waiting to get the spring cleaning going. I realize our plans get interrupted sometimes. My most important goal is to get Keith well and then the spring cleaning will get done. What does it matter if it is summer when spring cleaning gets done.
Our plans are not always God's plans. They will work out for our good.

1 comment:

  1. The cleaning is always there, no matter the season. Glad you were there to take care of him.
